6Cats can be a great pet. The truth is that they require incredibly little maintenance. It should be stated, though, that owning a cat isn’t always easy. The claws, for instance, can sometimes be problematic. Some people get angry when they see their belongings attacked. Other times, a child will be harmed by a cat’s claws. You may believe that your only choice is to get the claws removed. This is obviously a big decision to make. What most people don’t know, however, is that there are other things that can be done. In the twenty first century, many cat owners are considering soft claws. The benefit of these claws is that they allow your cat to scratch things like he or she would otherwise. The main difference, though, is that the scratches will not actually hurt anything. If you want to treat your cat in a humane way, you should make soft claws your first option.

Before we proceed, let’s discuss how soft claws work. Basically, you can compare soft claws to false fingernails. You should put the soft claws over the cat’s preexisting claws. As time goes on, a cat’s claws grow. At this point in time, you’ll need to replace the soft claws.

Applying soft claws is remarkably simple. The truth is that you should be able to get them on your cat in just a few minutes. You may not know this, but soft claws also come in several different styles. There are several different colors for you to choose from. They also come in multiple sizes. Every set of claws will provide a list of instructions regarding installation.

Soft claws for cats are incredibly safe. Their engineering makes them completely nontoxic. Cats can swallow them without being harmed in any way. All of the substances contained within soft claws are approved by veterinarians. This means that soft claws are infinitely more humane than declawing.

This is critical for cats that like to be outdoors. Inevitably, an outside cat will want to fight an animal that it finds. A completely declawed cat will have no means of recourse if an animal attacks it. Soft claws offer a great way to avoid having your cat’s claws completely taken off. When a cat is wearing cat nail caps, it can extend and retract its claws as necessary. The difference, though, is that the cat will not do anything to harm your furniture. This means that over time, soft claws will pay for themselves.